
Selective Retrieval for Repository-Level Code Completion

ICML 2024 (Oral, acceptance rate: 1.5%)

Di Wu1, Wasi Uddin Ahmad2, Dejiao Zhang2,
Murali Krishna Ramanathan2, Xiaofei Ma2
1University of California Los Angeles, 2AWS AI Labs


We introduce a framework for completing the code in your repository more accurately while bringing near 100% speedup compared to previous RAG-based methods.

The framework is powered by Repoformer, a fine-tuned code LM capable of self-evaluating whether repository-level retrieval is required, selectively triggering retrieval, and robustly leveraging the retrieved contexts. Our Repoformer-3B performs on par compared to state-of-the-art repository-level code completion system with StarCoder (16B).

Key features:

  • Performance-oriented selective retrieval. Repository-level retrieval is informative yet very costly. Repoformer learns to trigger it only when it is likely to improve code completion.
  • Enhanced robustness to retrieved contexts. Repoformer learns to extract the most important information from retrieval, avoiding being distracted by irrelevant context.
  • Self-supervision. The training process of Repoformer is purely self-supervised.
  • Generalizability. Our framework greatly improves the accuracy and inference latency on various completion granularity and languages. Repoformer can serve well as a plug-and-play retrieval policy for RAG systems with different black-box code LMs as the generation model.


Recent work has revealed successful stories of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) for repository-level code completion. In this work, we rethink a crucial assumption:

Should we always perform retrieval augmentation?

We ask this question based on two observations.

First, the performance improvement from retrieval is sparse. Take API completion from RepoEval as an example, for various code LMs, only 20% of the retrieval actually improve the performance.

Second, always retrieving introduces notable inefficiencies. The size of retrieval index grows linearly with the number of lines in the repository. For moderately sized repositories, sparse retrieval is already as time consuming as completion with a 3B LM.


Our framework is centered on the selective RAG idea: the system decides whether the LM’s generation could benefit from retrieved contexts and abstains from retrieval augmentation when unnecessary (Figure 1 (a)). We further consider the self-selective RAG setting, where the LM self-decides when to retrieve, operationalized as an extension to fill-in-the-middle.

We highlight the advantages of this formulation:

  • Flexibility: The LM can seamlessly self-switch between RAG and fill-in-the-middle when encountering different questions. Users can easily adjust the ratio between the two through a retrieval threshold on the probability of <CC>.
  • Efficiency:The selective decision overhead is only a single forward pass. When the LM abstains from retrieval, it can directly proceed with generation and the retrieval overhead is completely avoided.

Training data creation. We leverage large-scale permissively licensed repositories from the Stack and create the fine-tuning data via a three-step procedure:

  • Sample target lines including (1) random code chunks of varied lengths or (2) function bodies
  • Retrieve repository-level contexts CC using the current file, with or without the target.
  • Label whether using CC with the current file can improve a code LM’s generation quality.

This label essentially encapsulates two factors for abstention: (1) the LM already knowing the answer without retrieval and (2) the code completion question not depending on cross-file information to answer and thus retrieval is likely uninformative.

Training objective. We jointly fine-tune the model for self-assessment and code completion.

Following this recipe, we fine-tune StarCoderBase on Python and multilingual repositories from the Stack to obtain the Repoformer-1B/3B/7B models.


Repoformer achieves strong code completion performance via selective RAG. Repoformer-3B outperforms StarCoderBase-7B on most of the tasks and metrics, even outperforming the 5x larger StarCoder in terms of ES for API and chunk completion. In our paper, we also show that the performance improvement from our paradigm can generalize to multiple languages and retrievers.

Repoformer greatly improves inference efficiency. For the first time, we rigorously consider the latency of repository-level code completion of the entire RAG pipeline. In the self-selective RAG setting, Repoformer saves the latency by to 70% without sacrificing the accuracy.

More importantly, Repoformer serves well as a plug-and-play selective RAG policy for RAG pipelines instantiated with larger code LMs as the generation LM. For these models, we similarly observe that selective RAG improves the accuracy while reducing the inference latency.


Repoformer makes accurate abstention decisions. As shown below, we find over 85% of the abstention decisions are accurate, that the model's performance cannot be improved via retrieval.

Repoformer is more robust to retrieval. Compared to the StarCoderBase model before fine-tuning, we find Repoformer exhibiting strong ability to leverage the retrieved contexts.

Repoformer is robust to threshold selections. In practice, a retrieval threshold is required to make the retrieval decisions. In the paper, we use the same threshold setting and find that Repoformer provides decent accuracy-latency trade-offs at a wide range of thresholds.

We provide further analyses on generalization, latency, as well as ablations of the training designs. For the details, please refer to our paper.


    title={Repoformer: Selective Retrieval for Repository-level Code Completion},
    author={Di Wu, Wasi Uddin Ahmad, Dejiao Zhang, Murali Krishna Ramanathan, Xiaofei Ma},